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Kayo Highashimura, a Philadelphia wedding florist and owner of Hana & Posy boutique, was among 25 minority business owners to be honored in August by a minority business association. Comprised of business owners, the awarding organization felt that this Philadelphia wedding florist’s business exemplified their pillars of service and community pride, and honored Kayo with a commemorative plaque.

The organization was impressed with Kayo’s history. A graduate of Cornell University and Tufts University, Kayo was working as a doctor of veterinary medicine. Then, she took a risk to follow her dream of becoming a Philadelphia wedding florist, and opened Hana & Posy in October, 2009. Kayo, however, did not forget about her years as a veterinarian. Her dog, Solo, accompanies her to Hana & Posy and the pet-friendly Philadelphia boutique welcomes animals on leashes and sells pet products. Since the store’s inception, Kayo has incorporated her family’s heritage into Hana & Posy, distinguishing this Philadelphia wedding florist from the many others in the area. ‘Hana,’ in the boutique’s name, means ‘flower’ in Japanese and is also the name of Kayo’s tall and airy design style. The Hana arrangements feature wildflowers and bright tropical flowers and make flowing wedding ceremony flowers to frame the bride and groom.

‘Posy,’ the other half of the name, refers to a small bouquet in Queen’s English-a nod to Kayo’s sister who is a Londoner. The Posy arrangements are the boutique’s most popular wedding flower centerpieces because the low vases featuring premium flowers beautify a table and will not block guests’ views, making conversation easier.

Kayo wanted to use her Philadelphia wedding florist business to help the environment and educate Philadelphians about environmental impact, so she incorporated the eco-friendly philosophy of recycling into every aspect of Hana & Posy. She constructed the store from reclaimed wood, recycled glass, and second-hand furniture and stocked her boutique with eco-friendly gifts for friends, children, and pets. Now celebrating its third year in business, this Philadelphia wedding florist sells local and organic flowers, composts unused floral material, and delivers in a hybrid car or on foot.

Kayo never regrets taking the risk of opening a small business, and Hana & Posy has been a medium for her to express her multicultural background and also promote her message of environmental responsibility. The Philadelphia wedding florist feels honored to be awarded for her business, does her best to patronize Philadelphia’s small businesses, and is an active member in the Old City Business Association, which organizes small business owners in Old City Philadelphia.

Hana & Posy, Philadelphia’s eco-friendly wedding florist also specializes in holiday and party bouquets, as well as weekly arrangements for corporate offices along with local delivery service. They are conveniently located at 35 N. 3rd Street in Philadelphia.Hana & Posy when you need a Philadelphia wedding florist at or 215-733-0505 to schedule a complimentary wedding consultation with one of their floral designers.